Miami International dynamic scenery 5/9/95 This zip file contains four files Mia.txt (you are reading) 919 bytes Mia.bgl 606 " oav.mia.bgl 3331 " md83.air 18079 " sim8.air 63575 " This is a comprehensive effort to add dynaic scenery to Miami Int'l. It features airplane take-off and landing, sailing boat racing on the near-by canal, over twenty airplanes on ramp or taxiway, with attending trucks. This addition works best with the Caribbean add-on. Put the *.bgl files to the Carib add-on scenery sub-directory and the *.air files to the Fltsim5/Sim sub-directory. The *.air files should solve any problems had which the previous Norman Manley dynamic scenery. You are free to distribute this zipfile to other simulated pilots all I ask is not to change this text file. Thanks to the availablility of Airport v1.17 for enabling this zipfile production. Lionel McLaughlin compuserve 100732,2543